Camp Directions
Opequon (New Location in 2024!)
Teen Adventure
Health & Safety
Medical Forms
All medical paperwork can be found in our registration portal on CampBrain. Please log in to your account to download, fill out, and upload the camper’s medical forms.
Some of the medical forms require a physician’s signature, so please plan accordingly. We will need a physical that is within the 12 months of the start of your camper’s session. These forms are also required to give your camper medication, even over-the-counter medication.
Physical Exam Form (For all campers & families)
Medication Administration Authorization Form (for Catoctin campers & families ONLY)
We facilitate regular tick checks throughout each session. Click the links below if you’re interested in
more information about ticks and Lyme disease and how to reduce your camper’s risk.
Information about ticks and tick-borne illnesses in the US (CDC)
Information about Lyme disease (CDC)
How to prevent and avoid tick bites (University of Rhode Island)
Food & Allergies
Every camper will have access to healthy food choices that are safe for them to eat, though allergies and dietary restrictions may reduce options available to them at each meal. We will accommodate a wide range of eating habits but cannot guarantee that all preferences can be met. We ask questions about your camper’s diet during the registration process, so our staff can be informed and prepared to nourish all members of our camp communities.
BYM Camps can only administer prescription drugs in accordance with direction from licensed medical personnel. BYM Camps must have a doctor’s written direction on the original labeled bottle of medicine. Camper parents / guardians must supply the camp with enough medicine for the time the camper attends one of our camps.
Physical and Behavioral Requirements
In order to be safe and successful at BYM Camps, campers must be able to move daily on foot over uneven and natural terrain. They must be able to sleep outside in rustic wooden structures with other campers and staff. They must be able to lift and carry a backpack for hiking and trips, as well as eat provided meals and hydrate regularly. We ask that all campers follow directions and participate willingly in camp activities, daily chores and community life activities. Campers must refrain from violence, verbal assault, bullying or any similar behavior.
Additionally, in order to be a part of the BYM Camps community and to live at camp, all campers & families must read and sign (and then upload into your account) the BYM Camps Community Agreements form. If you have any questions or concerns about your camper’s ability to meet these requirements or abide by these agreements, please contact us immediately.
Community Agreements – BYM Camps 2025 (For all campers & families)